Thursday, October 18, 2012

The right brain, the Mrs Garret of Neuroscience

A new study has shown that during periods of rest the right brain keeps chugging along, organizing shit, talking to itself and cleaning house.  It is much more active than the left brain during this period of wakeful rest, which is important in dealing with what the brain has processed during recent active periods.   It was also found that the right brain was more active in both right and left-handed subjects, which is interesting in that right-handed people usually have a more dominant left brain and left-handed people usually have a more dominant right brain.  This leads me, as a lefty, to wonder what exactly my left brain is doing...if anything.  Is it just a total slacker or is it secretly working on developing super brain powers that I have no clue how to unlock?  Maybe it just plays solitaire and naps a lot.

Good Brain

Bad Brains

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