Thursday, October 25, 2012

... if only you spoke Hovitos!

A physics professor postulates a theoretical state of matter that is a quasi-crystal composed of non-
 repeating units, some get made in a lab, he gets a bit obsessed with them and puts out a world wide call for candidate samples of naturally occurring minerals where they could possibly be found.  Years later a geologist in Italy stumbles upon his request and digs through his massive collection of minerals and finds a possible candidate.  Lo and behold it turns out that it does in fact contain quasi-crystals.  All this results in an Indiana Jones like adventure with sketchy KGB guys, a Russian geologist, and panning for meteorites in Siberia.   In the end they may have found some clues to the birth of the solar system.  Seriously, you can't make this shit up!!!

Here's the original article from ScienceNews.

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