Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Holy Crap, ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?!?!

Soooo, it's not often that my mind is blown by people's capacity for stupidity but this really caused some sort of internal the point that I had to wait a couple days to post it because I probably would have vomited on my keyboard if I had tried to post it immediately.

My brother sent me this video and asked if I could make any sense of it.  The short answer is FUCK NO I can't make sense of it!!!  This is what happens when people eat lead paint, when science education has failed and when every idiot can record themselves being crazy.

I would love to actually respond to this but it pisses me off to much.  In fact, I can't even make it all the way through the video.  Maybe one of my fellow contributors would like to take a crack at it.

I'm sorry if you end up being dumber for having viewed this.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

... if only you spoke Hovitos!

A physics professor postulates a theoretical state of matter that is a quasi-crystal composed of non-
 repeating units, some get made in a lab, he gets a bit obsessed with them and puts out a world wide call for candidate samples of naturally occurring minerals where they could possibly be found.  Years later a geologist in Italy stumbles upon his request and digs through his massive collection of minerals and finds a possible candidate.  Lo and behold it turns out that it does in fact contain quasi-crystals.  All this results in an Indiana Jones like adventure with sketchy KGB guys, a Russian geologist, and panning for meteorites in Siberia.   In the end they may have found some clues to the birth of the solar system.  Seriously, you can't make this shit up!!!

Here's the original article from ScienceNews.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Scientists convicted for not sounding the alarm on impending quake

Italy's version of Days of Our Lives, AKA their court system, today convicted 7 scientists for failure to warn the public prior to the occurrence of a large quake that resulted in millions of dollars in damages and the deaths of 308 people.  All this despite the fact that vulcanologists and geologists have insisted for years that it is impossible to predict with any accuracy when an earthquake will occur.  I suppose it should be comforting at some level to see that the US is not the only country with a scientifically illiterate government, but it's sort of a hollow comfort.  Good old Galileo is probably rolling over in his grave.

Here's an article on it:

Thursday, October 18, 2012

The right brain, the Mrs Garret of Neuroscience

A new study has shown that during periods of rest the right brain keeps chugging along, organizing shit, talking to itself and cleaning house.  It is much more active than the left brain during this period of wakeful rest, which is important in dealing with what the brain has processed during recent active periods.   It was also found that the right brain was more active in both right and left-handed subjects, which is interesting in that right-handed people usually have a more dominant left brain and left-handed people usually have a more dominant right brain.  This leads me, as a lefty, to wonder what exactly my left brain is doing...if anything.  Is it just a total slacker or is it secretly working on developing super brain powers that I have no clue how to unlock?  Maybe it just plays solitaire and naps a lot.

Good Brain

Bad Brains

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

@SarcasticRover vs Mars Rock: The Great Debate

I present to you the Great Rock Debate of 2012, further proof that science and humor are not mutually exclusive.  The debate was moderated by the bit of plastic that fell of the rover last week, but my preference would have been Bobak Ferdowski, AKA NASA Mohawk Guy.  I give the edge to the robot in the debate due to the Rock avoiding answering any questions directly and the fact that the rover has an atomic laser.

Taken from the Sarcastic Rover blogsite.

Rock Debate 2012

On October 16th, 2012 a debate took place between President Obama and Mitt Romney.
Meanwhile, on Mars, a very different debate was talking place: Between an atomic robot, and a small rock.
The topics were wide-ranging and occasionally insane. I’m not going to lie, things got weird.
Then, In the aftermath of the debate – I collected the postings from @SarcasticRover and present them here, unedited, for your entertainment, or bizarre fascination.
A brief warning: This is not for the faint of heart. Shit got real. Feels were had.

  1. SarcasticRover
    Instead of the debate, I’m going to be LIVE-TWEETING a rock that I’m currently looking at. PREPARE FOR EXCITEMENT!
    Tue, Oct 16 2012 15:37:54

  2. SarcasticRover
    This is the rock I’m LIVE-TWEETING during the debate. I will also be using a town-hall style format.
    Tue, Oct 16 2012 17:29:59
  3. SarcasticRover
    The rock won the coin toss and has elected to go first… this might be a long night. It is silent and stoic.
    Tue, Oct 16 2012 17:32:41
  4. SarcasticRover
    The rock is claiming that having a laser is against the rules. I cite the 2nd amendment. Rock says “Malarky.” Touché.
    Tue, Oct 16 2012 17:37:01
  5. SarcasticRover
    Rock refuses to meet me halfway on anything. Currently staring it down, but having trouble deciding where its eyes are.
    Tue, Oct 16 2012 17:52:31
  6. SarcasticRover
    Rock has now turned its back on me. Or turned to face me. Either way, it refuses to acknowledge all attempts to high-five.
    Tue, Oct 16 2012 18:02:14
  7. SarcasticRover
    Rock opens with silence and then some dust falling off in a slight breeze. He’s good… very good. I counter with “BEEP”.
    Tue, Oct 16 2012 18:08:52
  8. SarcasticRover
    Moderator (the bit of plastic that left me a few days ago) claims I am over-time on my beep. Rock looks smug. I hate Rock.
    Tue, Oct 16 2012 18:11:44
  9. SarcasticRover
    Atmosphere here at Rock-Nest is getting tense, odd given how thin it usually is. I check my sun-dial… it says: “Go-Time.”
    Tue, Oct 16 2012 18:14:46
  10. SarcasticRover
    I tell crowd that science, above all else, is the foundation of advancement and prosperity. Rock is speechless. Score.
    Tue, Oct 16 2012 18:17:40
  11. SarcasticRover
    Rock says it has a plan for moving Mars forward. I ask where retrograde motion fits in with that plan. Rock evades, as ever.
    Tue, Oct 16 2012 18:19:44
  12. SarcasticRover
    Bit of Plastic Moderator wants to move on to social programs, Rock is stuck on mineral resource management. As expected.
    Tue, Oct 16 2012 18:21:59
  13. SarcasticRover
    Rock is claiming that I have no plan for affordable housing. I say that rocks don’t need homes. A misstep. Losing the crowd
    Tue, Oct 16 2012 18:23:47
  14. SarcasticRover
    I strike hard on Rock’s record of doing literally nothing, ever, except get extruded from a volcano. Rock sits, stone-faced.
    Tue, Oct 16 2012 18:25:27
  15. SarcasticRover
    Rock says “Knock knock” I counter w/ “Who’s there?” “Interrupting Rock” “Interrupting Ro…” “You’re a socialist!”…damn him.
    Tue, Oct 16 2012 18:28:18
  16. SarcasticRover
    I impress the crowd w/ knowledge of erosion stats. Rock can only appeal to sentiment. Hums Bob Seger song. You know the one.
    Tue, Oct 16 2012 18:31:46
  17. SarcasticRover
    I ask Rock to respect the gravity of the situation. Rock trots out the “62% less gravity on Mars” stat. He knows what I meant.
    Tue, Oct 16 2012 18:35:28
  18. SarcasticRover
    I try to explain that I came in peace, to learn and expand knowledge. Rock mentions N165… I knew that was coming.
    Tue, Oct 16 2012 18:37:45
  19. SarcasticRover
    I sidestep the issue & talk about improvements made to Bradbury Landing like scours, tracks, and tourism. Rock rolls… eyes.
    Tue, Oct 16 2012 18:41:49
  20. SarcasticRover
    Rock accuses me of being “soft” on crime! Rock has dumb line about being “solid as a rock.” Hate him and his dumb puns.
    Tue, Oct 16 2012 18:44:55
  21. SarcasticRover
    Holy Crap! Rock literally cracks under pressure. It’s my chance! I talk about the pebbles of Glenelg & make myself cry a bit.
    Tue, Oct 16 2012 18:48:36
  22. SarcasticRover
    Rock stammers about igneous is as igneous does – basically losing it. I’d feel pity if I felt anything. Stay focused.
    Tue, Oct 16 2012 18:51:03
  23. SarcasticRover
    In rebuttal, I lay out a plan for finding evidence of past life & working to bring new life to Mars. Science, as always, FTW.
    Tue, Oct 16 2012 18:53:48
  24. SarcasticRover
    Rock suddenly points at Benign Plastic Moderator as evidence of lax environmental policy toward litter! WTF do I do? Think!
    Tue, Oct 16 2012 18:55:46
  25. SarcasticRover
    Rock has somehow tied me to Spirit and Opportunity’s record in the primary! I wasn’t even there! Never met them! I stall…
    Tue, Oct 16 2012 18:58:06
  26. SarcasticRover
    Dig deep… Rock smirks at me. I take a breath, & turn my mast-cam to the sky. JPL, if you can hear me, I need answers.
    Tue, Oct 16 2012 19:01:07
  27. SarcasticRover
    I level my chemcam at Rock, & with a scoopful of Martian soil I talk about my hope for this land, and the people who will come…
    Tue, Oct 16 2012 19:04:23
  28. SarcasticRover
    Rock tries to sneer at exploration and science, but he knows that Mars represents hope, and inspiration, and yes, Curiosity.
    Tue, Oct 16 2012 19:08:05
  29. SarcasticRover
    Rock makes a comment on immigration, but it’s a bad move. Most of these basalts came here with the river a long time ago.
    Tue, Oct 16 2012 19:14:47
  30. SarcasticRover
    Moderator calls for last remarks. Rock stammers about tradition and keeping noses to the grind… well, you know. Classic rock.
    Tue, Oct 16 2012 19:17:54
  31. SarcasticRover
    I close on a promise to bring a new era of prosperity and only occasional lasering. Crowd is silent, but that’s what rocks do.
    Tue, Oct 16 2012 19:20:13
  32. SarcasticRover
    Rock refuses to shake or rattle… just rolls. I’d say the pressure got to him, but it’s only 600 pascals. Maybe he just choked.
    Tue, Oct 16 2012 19:23:00
  33. SarcasticRover
    Lost 50 followers doing that… totally worth it.
    Tue, Oct 16 2012 19:25:34