Wednesday, September 18, 2013

This awesome

So I haven't written a blog post in like forever, not necessarily because there hasn't been anything cool or funny happening in the world of science, but more because I have ADD and got distracted by other shiny objects.

I'm breaking back in with this video by awesome guy Thomas Blaise who composed this amazing cover of one of my favorite songs, Queen's magnum opus Bohemian Rhapsody,  as part of his Master's Thesis to explain string theory.  You don't even need to understand what he's talkng about to appreciate the effort that went into it so here you go:

PS- Thanks to Miriam Glaser Heston for posting it on Facebook so that I could have something awesome enough to get me off my ass and back on the blog.

I have also been warned that there may finally be another installment of "Dead Dudes I'd Like to Date" coming out soon. STOKED!

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