I stumbled across this website via iO9 today and it seems pretty freaking fantastic! Free online science education at various levels of depth taught by leading experts in an interesting and engaging manner. Perfect for the modern day ADD adult, or child.
The initial offerings are from Brian Greene, who is a professor of physics and mathematics at Columbia University and the
co-director of Columbia's Institute for Strings, Cosmology, and
Astroparticle Physics. So basically, he's pretty fucking smart. You can kind of view him as the ying to Neil DeGrasse Tyson's yang. Both are huge advocates of science education and furthering the "truth" of science but they have differing views about how to go about it.
World Science U will eventually cover many areas of science but it is currently focused primarily on physics and astrophysics. The cool thing is that it has multiple levels of instruction based upon how deeply you want to dive into a subject. If you just have a basic conceptual question you can browse through the hundreds of topics posted and find out the basics. Alternately if you want to take a short course or full on university level course those options are on there as well. Education doesn't have to (and shouldn't!) stop just because you're not in school anymore. Think how boring life would be be if we stopped learning new things.
Now go forth and do a science!!